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Coaching Methods

I use different methods that vary depending on the individual situation as well as the individual personality. In all techniques used, I have numerous years of experience and thorough training.

Degree in psychology

My curiosity and my deep wish to know how we as humans function led me to the decision to study psychology already in my teens. This immense treasure of scientific knowledge and methods accompanies me in my coaching sessions and enriches the tools and methods I have acquired throughout my life.

Coaching techniques

Systemic questioning techniques draw your attention to aspects that otherwise often remain hidden. This strengthens your self-reflection and self-organisation. Systemic coaching helps you to adopt new perspectives and explore options for action in a playful way.

EFT & EFIT - Emotional Focussed Therapy for Couples and Individuals

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) uses John Bowlby's attachment theory to help couples build a secure emotional connection that reduces conflict and distance. Developing a stable bond is crucial to our well-being in interpersonal relationships. Unconscious attachment patterns - which often develop in our childhood - influence our behavior and reactions in our relationships and can lead to recurring conflicts. By consciously recognizing these patterns and understanding our own emotional needs, couples learn to express their feelings more clearly and build a more secure bond.

Systemic constellation / family constellation

Often we adopt behavioural and reactive patterns from our individual family context, which we carry deep into adulthood. The constellation work allows you to visualize systemic constructs, question them, uncover connections and express and address entanglements and disalignments.

The work in the energy field

I have learned to read your energy field - also called the morphic field. By connecting to your energy field, I receive information that is otherwise difficult for you to access.
I will take you on the journey, to also bring you closer to the information in your energetic field and to your inner voice.
Reconnecting with this intuitive knowledge opens your eyes to yourself and your life story and can be the beginning of a true transformation.

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